Source code for espressodb.base.models

# pylint: disable=C0111, R0903, E1101
"""This module provides the :class:`Base` class which is an abstract model basis
providing default interfaces for :mod:`espressodb`.
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Optional
from typing import Any

import logging

from django.db import models
from django.db import connection
from django.db import transaction
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
from django.db.models.fields import Field
from django.urls import reverse, Resolver404
from django.apps.config import AppConfig
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError

from django_pandas.managers import DataFrameManager

from espressodb.base.utilities.apps import APPS_TO_SLUG

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("base")

[docs]class Base(models.Model): """The base class for the espressodb module. This class provides api for auto rendering pages and recursive insertions. """ # Run consistency checks on save and m2m update. run_checks: bool = True # Run custom pre save actions on model before inserting. run_pre_save: bool = True #: Primary key for the base class id = models.AutoField(primary_key=True, help_text="Primary key for Base class.") #: Date the class was last modified last_modified = models.DateTimeField( auto_now=True, help_text="Date the class was last modified" ) #: User who updated this object. Set on save by connection to database. #: Anonymous if not found. user = models.ForeignKey( settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE, null=True, blank=True, help_text="User who updated this object. Set on save by connection to database." " Anonymous if not found.", ) #: User defined tag for easy searches tag = models.CharField( max_length=200, null=True, blank=True, help_text="User defined tag for easy searches", )
[docs] @classmethod def get_slug(cls) -> str: """Returns import path as slug name""" return slugify(cls.__name__)
objects = DataFrameManager() class Meta: abstract = True
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Default init but adds specialization attributes (which do not clash) to self The specialization is a child instance of this class which has an id in the respective child table. The specialization attributes are attributes present in the child but not in the current instance. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._specialization = None self._specialized_keys = [] if self.specialization != self: for field in self.specialization.get_open_fields(): if not in dir(self): self._specialized_keys.append( setattr(self,, getattr(self.specialization,
@property def type(self) -> "Base": """Returns the table type """ return self.specialization.__class__.__name__
[docs] @classmethod def get_app(cls) -> AppConfig: """Returns the name of the current moule app """ return cls._meta.app_config
[docs] @classmethod def get_app_name(cls) -> str: """Returns the name of the current moule app """ return cls.get_app().verbose_name
[docs] @classmethod def get_app_doc_url(cls) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the url tp the doc page of the app. Returns: Url if look up exist else None. """ app_slug = APPS_TO_SLUG.get(cls.get_app()) try: url = reverse("documentation:details", args=[app_slug]) except Resolver404: url = None return url
[docs] @classmethod def get_doc_url(cls) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the url to the doc page. Returns: Url if look up exist else None. """ app_url = cls.get_app_doc_url() return f"{app_url}#{cls.get_slug()}" if app_url is not None else None
[docs] def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Tries to set the attribute in specialization if it is a specialized attribute and else sets it in parent class. """ if hasattr(self, "_specialized_keys") and key in self._specialized_keys: setattr(self.specialization, key, value) super().__setattr__(key, value)
[docs] def check_consistency(self): """Method is called before save. Raise errors here if the model must fulfill checks. """
[docs] def clean(self): """Calls super clean, check_consistency. Consistency errors are wrapped as validation errors. This ensures consistencies are properly captured in form validations and do not raise errors berfore. """ super().clean() try: self.check_consistency() except Exception as error: raise ValidationError(message=str(error), params={"instance": self})
[docs] def pre_save(self): """Method is called before save and before check consistency. This method can be used to overwrite custom column values. It has access to all information present at the ``.save()`` call. """
[docs] def check_m2m_consistency( self, instances: List["Base"], column: Optional[str] = None ): """Method is called before adding to a many to many set. Raise errors here if the adding must fulfill checks. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_open_fields(cls) -> List[Field]: """Returns list of fields for class which are editable and non-ForeignKeys. """ fields = [] for field in cls._meta.get_fields(): # pylint: disable=W0212 if not ( in ["id", "user"] or not field.editable or"_ptr") ): fields.append(field) return fields
[docs] @classmethod def get_label(cls) -> str: """Returns descriptive string about class """ base = f"[{cls.mro()[1].__name__}]" if cls != Base else "" return f"{cls.__name__}{base}"
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """Verbose description of instance name, parent and column values. """ if self == self.specialization: kwargs = { getattr(self, for field in self.get_open_fields() if not isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey) and not isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField) and getattr(self, is not None } base = ( f"[{self.__class__.mro()[1].__name__}]" if type(self) != Base # pylint: disable=C0123 else "" ) info = ", ".join([f"{key}={val}" for key, val in kwargs.items()]) info_str = f"({info})" if info else "" out = f"{self.__class__.__name__}{base}{info_str}" else: out = self.specialization.__str__() return out
[docs] def save( # pylint: disable=W0221 self, *args, save_instance_only: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> "Base": # pylint: disable=W0221 """Overwrites user with login info if not specified and runs consistency checks. Arguments: save_instance_only: If true, only saves columns of the instance and not associated specialized columns. Note: The keyword ``save_instance_only`` and ``check_consistency`` is not present in standard Django. """ if not self.user: username = settings.DB_CONFIG.get("USER", None) if username: self.user, _ = User.objects.get_or_create(username=username) else: self.user, _ = User.objects.get_or_create(username="anonymous") if self != self.specialization and not save_instance_only:*args, **kwargs) else: super().save(*args, **kwargs) return self
@property def specialization(self) -> "Base": """Returns the specialization of the instance (children with the same id). If the class has no children which match the id, this will be the same object. """ if self._specialization is None: self._specialization = self.get_specialization() return self._specialization
[docs] def get_specialization(self) -> "Base": """Queries the dependency tree and returns the most specialized instance of the table. """ instance = self for cls in self.__class__.__subclasses__(): match = cls.objects.filter( if match: # use that the id is share among other subclasses. instance = match.get_specialization() break return instance
@classmethod def _get_child_by_name(cls, class_name=str) -> "Base": """Compares name of cls and all subclasses to ``class_name`` and returns match Arguments: class_name: The name to match. Raises: KeyError: In case no or more then one class matches the name. """ class_family = [cls] + cls.__subclasses__() matched_cls = [ el for el in class_family if el.__name__.split(".")[-1] == class_name ] if len(matched_cls) != 1: raise KeyError( f"Could not find specialization {class_name}" + f" for base class {cls}." + "\nPossible options:\n\t" + "\n\t".join([el.__name__.split(".")[-1] for el in class_family]) ) else: expected_cls = matched_cls[0] return expected_cls
[docs] @classmethod def get_sub_info( cls, root_key: str, tree: Dict[str, Any] ) -> Tuple[str, Optional[Dict[str, Any]]]: """Extracts the class name and sub tree for a given tree and key Arguments: root_key: The key to look up in the dictionary tree: The tree of ForeignKey dependencies. This specify which class the ForeignKey will take since only the base class is linked against. Keys are strings corresponding to model fields, values are either strings corresponding to classes Raises: TypeError: If the values of the dictionary are not of type string or Tuple KeyError: If the key was not found in the dictionary """ sub_tree = {} for key, val in tree.items(): branches = key.split(".") root = branches[0] if root == root_key: if len(branches) > 1: sub_tree[".".join(branches[1:])] = val return sub_tree
[docs] @classmethod def get_recursive_columns( cls, tree: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, _class_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, List[str]]]: """Recursively parses table including foreign keys to extract all column names. Arguments: tree: The tree of ForeignKey dependencies. This specify which class the ForeignKey will take since only the base class is linked against. Keys are strings corresponding to model fields, values are either strings corresponding to classes _class_name: This key is used internaly to identified the specialization of the base object. """ tree = tree or {} specialization = cls._get_child_by_name(_class_name) if _class_name else cls columns = {} for field in specialization.get_open_fields(): if isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey): sub_class_name = tree.get(, None) if sub_class_name is not None: sub_tree = specialization.get_sub_info(, tree) sub_cols = field.related_model.get_recursive_columns( tree=sub_tree, _class_name=sub_class_name ) for key, val in sub_cols.items(): columns.setdefault(key, []).extend( [f"{specialization.__name__}.{col}" for col in val] ) else: columns.setdefault(, []).append(specialization.__name__) return columns
@classmethod def _get_or_create_fk( # pylint: disable=R0913 cls, field: models.ForeignKey, parameters: Dict[str, Any], tree: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, dry_run: bool = False, _recursion_level: int = 0, ) -> Tuple["Base", bool]: """Recursively iterates ForeignKey field and tries to construc the foreign keys from parameters and parse tree using `get_or_create_from_parameters`. Arguments: field: The foreign key field to get or create. parameters: The construction / query arguments. These parameters are shared among all constructions. tree: The tree of ForeignKey dependencies. This specify which class the ForeignKey will take since only the base class is linked against. Keys are strings corresponding to model fields, values are either strings corresponding to classes dry_run: Do not insert in database. _recursion_level: This key is used internaly to track number of recursions. Example: .. code:: class B(Base): key2 = IntegerField() # or ForeignKey(C) class A(Base): key1 = ForeignKey(B) tree={"key1": "B"} # or if B also depends on Foreign Keys tree={"key1": "B", "key1.key2": "C"} ``` """ tree = tree or {} sub_class_name = tree.get(, None) if sub_class_name is not None: sub_tree = cls.get_sub_info(, tree) # get general parameters sub_pars = { key: val for key, val in parameters.items() if len(key.split(".")) == 1 } # now update keys with more specialized keys sub_pars.update(cls.get_sub_info(, parameters)) instance, created = field.related_model.get_or_create_from_parameters( sub_pars, tree=sub_tree, dry_run=dry_run, _class_name=sub_class_name, _recursion_level=_recursion_level, ) else: instance, created = None, False if not field.null: raise KeyError( "Tree for parsing classes did not contain" f" value for non-null foreign key {}" ) return instance, created
[docs] @classmethod @transaction.atomic def get_or_create_from_parameters( # pylint: disable=C0202, R0913, R0914, R0912 calling_cls, parameters: Dict[str, Any], tree: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, dry_run: bool = False, _class_name: Optional[str] = None, _recursion_level: int = 0, ) -> Tuple["Base", bool]: """Creates class and dependencies through top down approach from parameters. Arguments: calling_cls: The top class which starts the get or create chain. parameters: The construction / query arguments. These parameters are shared among all constructions. tree: The tree of ForeignKey dependencies. This specify which class the ForeignKey will take since only the base class is linked against. Keys are strings corresponding to model fields, values are either strings corresponding to classes dry_run: Do not insert in database. _class_name: This key is used internaly to identified the specialization of the base object. _recursion_level: This key is used internaly to track number of recursions. Populates columns from parameters and recursevily creates foreign keys need for construction. Foreign keys must be specified by the tree in order to instanciate the right tables. In case some tables have shared column names but want to use differnt values, use the `specialized_parameters` argument. This routine does not populate many to many keys. Example: Below you can find an example how this method works. .. code-block:: python class BA(BaseB): b1 = IntegerField() b2 = IntegerField() class BB(BaseB): b1 = IntegerField() b2 = IntegerField() b3 = IntegerField() class C(BaseC): c1 = IntegerField() c2 = ForeignKey(BaseB) class A(BaseA): a = IntegerField() b1 = ForeignKey(BaseB) b2 = ForeignKey(BaseB) c = ForeignKey(BaseC) instance, created = A.get_or_create_from_parameters( parameters={"a": 1, "b1": 2, "b2": 3, "b3": 4, "c1": 5, "b2.b2": 10}, tree={ "b1": "BA", "b2": "BB", "c": "C", "c.c2": "BA" } ) will get or create the instances .. code-block:: python a0 = A.objects.all()[-1] a0 == instance a0.a == 1 # key of A from pars a0.b1.b1 == 2 # a.b1 is BA through tree and a.b1.b1 is two from pars a0.b1.b2 == 3 a0.b2.b1 == 2 # a.b2 is BB through tree and a.b1.b1 is two from pars a0.b2.b2 == 10 # a.b2.b2 is overwriten by specialized parameters a0.b2.b3 == 4 a0.c.c1 == 5 # a.c is C through tree a0.c.c2.b1 == 2 # a.c.c2 is BA through tree a0.c.c2.b2 == 3 """ # parse full dependency and warn if duplicate columns indent = "|" if _recursion_level else "" indent += "-" * _recursion_level * 2 cls = ( calling_cls._get_child_by_name(_class_name) if _class_name else calling_cls ) if _recursion_level == 0: for key, tables in cls.get_recursive_columns(tree).items(): if len(tables) > 1: LOGGER.debug( "Column %s is used by the following tables %s", key, tables ) LOGGER.debug("%sPreparing creation of %s", indent, cls) kwargs = {} for field in cls.get_open_fields(): if isinstance(field, models.ForeignKey): instance, created = cls._get_or_create_fk( # pylint: disable=W0212 field, parameters, tree=tree, dry_run=dry_run, _recursion_level=_recursion_level + 1, ) kwargs[] = instance else: value = parameters.get(, None) if value is None and not ( field.null or isinstance(field, models.ManyToManyField) ): raise KeyError( f"Missing value for constructing {cls}." f" Parameter dictionary has no value for {}." f" Here are the keys {parameters.keys()}." ) elif value is not None: kwargs[] = field.get_db_prep_value(value, connection) try: instance, created = cls.objects.get_or_create(**kwargs) except Exception as e: LOGGER.error( "Get or create call for %s failed with kwargs\n%s", cls, kwargs ) raise e LOGGER.debug( "%sCreated %s" if created else "%sFetched %s from db", indent, instance ) return instance, created