Source code for espressodb.base.utilities.apps

"""Functions to identify project apps
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import List
from typing import Dict

from django.apps.config import AppConfig
from django.apps import apps as django_apps

from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify

from import PROJECT_APPS
from espressodb.base.utilities.blackmagicsorcery import search

[docs]def get_project_apps(exclude_apps: Optional[Tuple[str]] = None) -> List[AppConfig]: """Finds all apps which are part of the project. Arguments: exclude_apps: Name of the apps to exclude. Must match ``settings.yaml`` specification. Iterates over apps specified in the settings.yaml file and returns django app configs if installed. """ exclude_apps = list(exclude_apps) if exclude_apps is not None else [] exclude_apps += ["espressodb.base", "espressodb.documentation"] installed_apps = { app for app in django_apps.app_configs.values()} available_apps = [] for app_path in PROJECT_APPS: if ( any([search(exclude, app_path) for exclude in exclude_apps]) or not app_path in installed_apps ): continue available_apps.append(installed_apps[app_path]) return available_apps
[docs]def get_app_name(app: AppConfig) -> str: """Returns a readable name for the app Arguments: app: The app config. """ return " ".join([s.capitalize() for s in".")[1:]])
[docs]def get_apps_slug_map() -> Dict[str, str]: """Creates a map for all project app names. Keys are slugs, values are names. """ slug_map = {} for app in get_project_apps(): name = get_app_name(app) slug_map[slugify(name)] = app return slug_map
APPS_TO_SLUG = {app: slug for slug, app in get_apps_slug_map().items()}